I decided to read this little book, When Someone You Love Has Cancer, because I know author Cecil Murphey (disclaimer out of the way), and I’ve read other of his “When Someone You Love …” books. I knew it would be personal.
Personal, not because Mr. Murphey is telling his own story, but because the writing has the tone of a friend’s letter. Not just any friend, a friend who is walking the road with you, a shared experience.
Each little chapter expresses feelings I had during the cancer journey. The emotions that nag caregivers and family members: The guilt, the pain, the fear. Mr. Murphey has not written fluffy, feel-good words, but the gut-wrenching words that go through our minds, and sometimes out our lips.
The length is that of a booklet, making it easy to read. Just right for those odd moments that a caregiver has to capture time alone. I would have preferred, however, paperback dimensions to easily slip the book into a pocket or bag.
The one negative is has been categorized as a “gift book.” There is too much practical information to be simply a gift book. It appears much too pretty to have practical advice, and could be easily set aside.
An advantage of a gift book is the quality. The cover and illustrations are refreshing and design style indicates this book is more than a how-to. The small tome is a respite to return to during the long days and weeks of dealing with cancer.
Although the focus is on families dealing with cancer, all caregivers can use the inspiration along with practical advice.
Every hospice, oncologist, and church should have this book available for family members. Although it is Christian at its core, the words are for everyone, including professional caregivers.
Don’t be afraid to purchase When Someone You Love Cancer for yourself. It is a gift to yourself, and a gift for your loved one, as you help in the healing process.
When Someone You Love Has Cancer
Cecil Murphey
Harvest House Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-7369-2428-3
Hardcover – $10.99
When someone you love has cancer it changes your life as well as theirs’. As a former pastor’s wife so many times I longed for right words to comfort, encourage and even to pray for my friends and family members. I know this book will be a great help to the many of us who’ve lived with and loved cancer patients.
Thanks for the review.