Brian G. Hedges, author of Christ All Sufficient: An Exposition of Colossians, tells in the Introduction of a being asked, “Why Colossians?” Hedges explains the questioner said that Colossians wasn’t a letter often heard about, unlike Philippians. His response is all the more reason to study it.
Honestly, when was the last time any of us thought about studying Colossians? When I requested this book, I didn’t even think about studying Paul’s letter to Colossae. I was intrigued by the all-sufficiency of Christ. I learned Paul gave us what we need to know about for an adequate life with Christ.
Christ All Sufficient is a detailed exposition of this letter. Hedges leads the reader verse by verse to learn how Christ is all we need. The opposite of what we often hear in the society around us.
While it is a scholarly work, it is also readable. Unlike many commentaries, the author doesn’t just give the theology of the sufficiency of Christ. He also tells us why this information is important to our lives. He uses modern examples to explain timeless truths. The reader learns all we seem to add to worship, fellowship, and even the Gospel are insignificant in light of what Christ offers us.
I would have like a study guide to accompany the commentary. I learn best in a question and answer format. However, I will re-read this book to glean as much as possible.
Whether individual or group study, Christ All Sufficient opens our hearts and minds to a way of life with Christ as the source of all we need.
Christ All Sufficient: An Exposition of Colossians
Brian Hedges
Shepherd Press
ISBN: 978-1633421219
Paperback – $14.93
Kindle – $4.99
Disclaimer: I receive a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure page.
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